First, because this is important, we need to warn you about credit report scams. Some unethical people sending emails are simply in business to STEAL YOUR IDENTITY.
If you receive an email message or phone call offering free credit reports, DO NOT GIVE THEM ANY INFORMATION. Identity theft is a real problem, with serious implications. Don't give these bums the information they need to turn your credit report history Pittsburgh life upside down!
The US government passed the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). request credit report
It requires the consumer reporting companies [Experian (888-397-3742), Equifax (credit report history Pittsburgh 800-525-6285) and TransUnion (800-680-7289) ] to give you your credit report history Pittsburgh credit report for free if you ask for it, once every 12 months. Your FICO score credit report history Pittsburgh is not the same as your credit report. Your credit score is only one of the factors FICO looks at.
Your free credit report and score may be used to determine if you'll Also, if someone has stolen you identity and opened credit cards in your name, they aren't going credit report history Pittsburgh to be paying those bills. It will look like you have been delinquent and are credit report history Pittsburgh a poor credit report history Pittsburgh credit risk. (We're being kind.) They may tell you they have credit report history Pittsburgh to charge credit report history Pittsburgh you a higher interest rate because they checked your credit and found that you are not a good credit risk, when, in fact, you are. credit report and scores
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